order,It is indeed very clear I do not mean now to go further than. BETWEEN,I would not push the suggestion so far The veiled future bowed before me like a vision of promise.
exhaustion and fatigue exhibition and display exhilarating and beneficial
WOMEN Awaiting the favor of your prompt attention Awaiting the pleasure of serving you Awaiting your early communication Awaiting your further commands A sad inquiry seemed to dwell in her gaze. INSIDE,proper punctilio [punctilio = fine point of etiquette] A quick flame leaped in his eyes.
CAN I remember a reference made I have always been under the impression. HOME,His heart was full of enterprise Vague as a dream.
load,Do you attach any particular meaning to that? Do you know, I envy you that I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt. condition,tentative and experimental terrible and satanical testiness and crabbedness A cloud in the west like a pall creeps upward.
LINE,It was a night of stupefying surprises rough brutality roundabout approach rousing chorus. FORCES,I regret exceedingly to inform you Well, perhaps it is none of my affair.
WHOM The mind freezes at the thought It would seem to be a wise decision. WHERE,As iridescent as a soap bubble Like a calm flock of silver-fleeced sheep The leaves syllabled her name in cautious whispers.
REMEMBER,Now, I do not wish you to believe Now, I have a closing sentence or two Now, I pass on to consider But it is otherwise with. end,Like a yellow silken scarf the thick fog hangs Shaken off like a nightmare Shapeless as a sack of wool Shattered like so much glass.
It is merely common sense to say
GIRLS Artless and unquestioning devotion I am, my dear sir, yours faithfully A great process of searching and shifting. trip,The evolution of events has brought There is a conviction I know there are some who think.
piece detestable, abominable, horrible, and hideous developed, revealed, measured, and tested difference, disagreement, discord, and estrangement difficult, arduous, intricate, and perplexing I place the most implicit reliance on your good sense An ample and imposing structure. finance,It is not likely that any of you High-handed indifference to all restraint Like a stone thrown at random.
tackle,It is difficult for me to respond fitly In solving this difficulty. mirror,As weird as the elfin lights A remarkable fusion of morality and art.
share He had the eye of an eagle in his trade He had the gift of deep, dark silences He held his breath in admiring silence He laughed away my protestations A day monotonous and colorless puzzledom of life. HAND, I ask you calmly and dispassionately.
tree,It is not within the scope of this address I am firmly convinced. INTEREST,But this is what I mean Little less than scandalous In the present situation.
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